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Master Cleanse

Master Cleanse 01

I’ve decided I have had enough of this nagging cold I have. So I’m doing an intense detox…which I’ll be doing for 3 days (started yesterday). A couple years ago I did the full-fledged Master Cleanse which typically runs 10 days of just drinking “cleansing” lemonade.  That was a little intense, but I must say, I certainly felt a lot cleaner inside. But once in a while, I like to do a 1-3 day lemonade cleanse just to keep me healthy…or get me well fast. By the way, I don’t recommend doing a 10-day Master Cleanse…I think it’s just too extreme and too long to do on one’s own, but if you wanted to try if for one or two days, that would be very doable. Even going off solid food for a day allows your energy go towards healing and detoxifying your body, rather than spending it in digesting food.

I sing lead in a family band and we’re working on recording an album this next week, so it’s imperative that I get this cold chased away. Besides, with my sister and her family visiting this last week I may have possibly indulged a little too much, haha.

I will be adding in some fresh juices if I feel I have need of them. Last night I had some carrot/apple/ginger juice before bed, which was so delicious. Today I had a kale/apple/ginger/carrot juice for lunch.  I’m also still taking supplements to help fight this thing!

If you’re interested in gently detoxing your body, why not add this drink to your diet? You can drink one to three servings daily and still glean the benefits without going all out with cleansing. It’s a lot easier to handle and lemon is a powerful detoxifier. I’ve heard of people who suffered from headaches who added 2-3 lemons into their daily water and were able to get rid of their headaches completely. This serves one.

Master Cleanse Lemonade

  1. 2 tbsp. organic lemon juice (about 1/2 a lemon)
  2. 2 tbsp. of maple syrup
  3. 1/10 tsp. organic cayenne pepper powder
  4. 10 ounces of filtered water

Master Cleanse 02

You can measure it all out if you want, but I typically just squeeze a lemon into a quart jar, splash in some syrup, a couple pinches of cayenne, and plop in a straw.

Some of you might just want to enter spring shedding some excess toxicity, maybe you’re feeling under the weather and want to get well faster, or you’re following a program recommended by your physician. I’ve tried a lot of detox plans in my time, so next post; I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks for “surviving” detoxes.

Have you ever tried detoxing? If so, what kind of cleanse did you do?

Category: Drinks & Smoothies, Weight Loss | Tags: , , , , , , 30 comments »

30 Responses to “Master Cleanse”

  1. Nadia

    I’m so into all that detox thing.. fasts, juicings, cleanses, you name it :) But I also don’t recommend making long ones without a medical supervision, only the shorties 1-3 days. The lemon-maple syrup one is not one of my favorites though, it makes me more hungry then the normal juicing fast :)

  2. Julie McAleenan

    Good Luck! My husband tried and failed after 1 day of the cleanse. Its really difficult to commit to.

  3. createwithmom

    lovely pictures

  4. tigerfish

    I may just need this. My cold just won’t go away!

  5. Irvin

    It’s funny, because the master cleanses is something I’ve always wanted to do, but 10 days to commit is such a huge amount of time. That said, you make it sounds so very doable with maybe only a day or two on it. I imagine a few days is enough to at least give your body a rest.

    That said, I’ve been meaning to do a detox for awhile. I’ve done a couple years ago when I first moved to San Francisco and they were wonderful but somehow I got out of the habit of it.

  6. Fresh and Foodie

    Several of my friends have done this (although only one has done it the full 10 days) and swear by it. I’ve never tried the Master, but I’ve done a few juice cleanses — the Master is by far the most intense!

  7. nevernotdreaming

    What other “cleanse” options are there?
    And how do you sensibly break the cleanse and go back into regular eating without screwing up your digestion and metabolism?
    (I’m not planning on doing one, just curious.)

  8. Charissa

    Nadia~ It’s funny, I feel fuller on Master Cleanse than on just juices…but I usually like mixing both of them together anyway.

    Julie~ Ha, thanks. I guess I did it! :)

    CreatewithMom~ Thank you. I love taking pictures.

    Tigerfish~ Hope it helps…I hate colds.

    Irvin~ Glad I gave you a “doable” idea…10 days was waaaay too crazy. But even one day is helpful!

    Fresh Food~ Yah, have to agree with that one. Juice cleanses are terrific and much more flavourful! Not so boring.

    Nevernotdreaming~ There’s a lot. I’ve done just green smoothies for a week. Or just doing veggies and fruits (no condiments). There’s juicing for a day or two. Or you could do a liquid fast (like yogurts, soups, smoothies for a day)…or something less extreme like just eating whole foods and natural oils and condiments. Very easy to do.

    When you go back to regular eating, you need to do it very slowly. The next two days after my Master Cleanse, I didn’t eat very much, just a little at a time…and made sure it was just whole foods. And I was careful not to eat at night. Hope that helps!

  9. nevernotdreaming

    How did you follow an all liquid or all smoothie diet? And did it include protein powders? Did you lose weight and energy or mess up your bowels?
    What books do you follow (specific plans) for that stuff and for your lifestyle of eating?
    I’m not jumping into detoxes (ha) …just curious as a reader is all.

  10. Charissa

    Nevernotdreaming ~ I didn’t include protein powders, no. I definitely lost weight with each of the cleanses, and I felt really healthy and normal doing all of the cleanses.
    Specific plans? The Master Cleanse is a specific plan. If you google it, you’ll find a ton of info on it. I did a couple cleanses by The Raw Divas (green smoothie and just veggies and fruit), but other than that I just used my own intuition and did whatever I came up with (like a day of liquid meals or just fruits, ect). Hope that’s clearer for you! :)

  11. Kelly

    I tried this a few years back and the way I made it tasted awful haha, but you’ve inspired me to give it a try again since I need a good cleanse! Thanks for sharing! :)

  12. Charissa

    Kelly~ Glad I inspired you! You’re welcome!

  13. Spice Berry Smoothie « venture lane

    […] Master Cleanse Lemonade by Charissa from Colourful Palate […]

  14. Hisham Assaad

    Im starting this today for 2 days, im not sure i can handle all this especially with the hot weather.
    But the thing is, i dont have maple syrup and if found, its very expensive here in Lebanon, the only affordable syrup we have is the pancake syrup which is maybe caramel and corn syrup.
    can i replace that with dark brown sugar? i like it better

  15. Charissa

    Hey Hisham! If you’re really intent on doing a cleanse why not do whole, raw fruits/veggies and juices for a couple days.
    I don’t recommend using brown sugar or corn syrup because those are unhealthy, bad sugars you don’t want to put in your system if you’re trying to cleanse. Check out this site for info.
    I would do fresh juices in your case (but remember I’m not a doctor)! :) All the best!

  16. Hisham Assaad

    I’m mixing :)
    doing this (with no sweeteners)
    and im having a fruit juice (apples+grapes)
    do you recommend having solid fruits and veggies or should i stay away for a while?

  17. Charissa

    Im not a registered dietician & I don’t personally know your situation…but if you’ve never done a cleanse before I would add in raw fruits & veggies.

  18. lucy g

    So for this 2 day master cleanse, all i eat/drink is this lemonade? no food at all?

  19. Charissa

    Lucy G~ That’s how the traditional Master Cleanse is designed, however I recommend adding raw fruits, veggies, and fresh juices for extra nutrition.

  20. Jen

    Can you make the lemonade in advance? I’m a teacher and so I wouldn’t be able to juice at school…..

  21. Charissa

    Jen~ Absolutely!

  22. Mickey

    What about raw honey instead of maple syrup, seems to make more sense?

  23. Neasha

    I don’t know if I missed this anywhere in your comments but to do the cleanse right the syrup needs to be Grade B organic maple syrup. You get a lot more nutrients that your body needs from the grade B which is crucial for the cleanse since that is all you are consuming. If you do it right, you will feel AMAZING on it after the initial couple days on it. I have been doing this cleanse for years. 6 months ago I did it for 34 days and never felt better and last week I finished 10 days. DO your saltwater flush!!!!!! This will get rid of all the toxins you are releasing which will keep you from getting bad detox headaches and will also get rid of your cravings. Good luck to everyone starting out, you can do it!

  24. Neasha

    Sorry, I forgot to mention that if you do make it in advance only mix enough for the day and ONLY mix the lemon juice and syrup NOT water and cayenne until you are ready to drink it. Otherwise you will lose the healing/cleansing enzymes in the lemon and cayenne will also lose its potency. Sad to say you cannot use honey. Hope you don’t mind me adding these tips. Thanks. :)

  25. Lorraine

    So i need to do the salt water flush morning&night? As well as the laxative herbal tea too?

  26. Charissa

    The cleanse says to…but I never really did the salt flush too diligently. I think it might be a little harsh on the system. However, when I did this I would use the herbal tea at night. Hope that helps!

  27. Kim

    How much do you drink a day?

  28. Charissa

    Kim~ Whenever you are hungry, just make sure you’re getting enough. Personally, I’d say at least 5 portions of it.

  29. Rene

    i am starting this cleanse today. Did ok the first time I tried it but didn’t make it 10 days. I lost 8 lbs. I think this time I may incorporate some juicing to help.

  30. Highlander

    11 June 2016
    I have been taking this drink every year for the past five years. Time has varied between two weeks to two months. This year, I am on a 77-Day [11-weeks] Cleanse.
    There is a book, written by Tom Woloshyn, called THE COMPLETE MASTER CLEANSE: It is based upon the original research conducted by Stanley Burroughs. This excellent, and easy-to-read, book thoroughly wxpkains the master cleanse of the Lemonade Diet.
    I drink this mixture to get rid of all unwanted / accumulated “stuff” in my intestine. In some of the above comments, I note that people could not stick to the routine: It takes me about four days before the brain stops listening to the stomach to feed it…..thereafter the stress to eat goes away.
    I am presently on Day 63 of a 77-day cleanse. I feel great. No weakness. I still get hungry at night and MUST resist munching but not difficult. I have lost 20 pounds. It is important to come off the Cleanse carefully: Start with daily soup and then basic salad for several days before starting a full meal. Then, tn order to keep off the weight, one MUST exercise severak times per week and count calories. I limit my food intake to about 1,500 calories per day, no sugar, 20 % carb’s, 40 % protein, and 40 % good fats.

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