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Project Two ~ Favourite Animal

Favourite Animal 01

For those of you who are new to my blog, I started an “Art Challenge” (read here about it) a few weeks ago and I haven’t had any time to work on art since Project One. But I finally made the time a couple days ago and was able to start and complete my fastest painting in just one evening.

I’ve always loved animals and I really have more than one favourite. Lions and tigers are my ultimate favourite, but I don’t really know to go about painting them yet…I like cats, rabbits, penguins, and elephants, so it was hard to choose. Then I decided….a horse.

The funny thing is I have never cared much about horses, until I had the opportunity from a friend (who teaches English riding) to give me a lesson. It was then I fell in love. I had never really ridden before, just a couple walks around the yard with a neighbour’s horse type of thing, but this experience… it was magical! I loved the English riding…it was so graceful, beautiful, and so much more of an art compared to Western riding. I even got to take a jump…which felt like flying. Anyway, if I had the money, time, and stayed at home more it would be something I’d love to get in to.

Favourite Animal 02

So for my “Favourite Animal” project this is what I did.

Project Two - My Favourite Animal 03

Project Two - My Favourite Animal 04

It’s not perfect, but I’m pretty happy with it because I’ve never actually even drawn a horse before, let alone painted one. Painting or drawing horses have been of my “art fears”. I did it anyway.

This painting is more folksy, a style which I haven’t dabble in much. Since I’m very new to this whole painting/drawing thing, I’m still trying to discover my signature style. Because of that fact, I’ve been trying so many different types of art to see what I love best and then taken a little bit from each style..modern, realistic, cartoon, manga, impressionistic…it’s been a fun adventure…that I think is just beginning.

I’m not sure when I will post my Project Three (which is my favourite food…take a guess as to what that is!), but one thing’s for sure…I’ll have a recipe for it!

Do you have a favourite animal? What style of art do you enjoy?

Category: Healthy Living | Tags: , , , , 8 comments »

8 Responses to “Project Two ~ Favourite Animal”

  1. Dianne S

    I LOVE this, Charissa! …your whole post of yesterday. I think it wonderful that you actually started and finished the painting in one day! It means a lot to have the story behind the painting too…
    So glad you enjoy horses. MY first riding experience was last year on our Canyon Trip. I was amazed at how much I loved being on that horse! So special!

  2. Nancy@acommunaltable

    What a lovely horse and lovely painting!! Years ago I rode quite a bit – as a teenager I was quite “horse crazy” – but I only rode Western and never rode “English” – so glad that you had that opportunity!!!

  3. Chris @ TheKeenanCookBook

    Talented with paint and brush as well as skillet and spoon. Nice!
    I used sketch when I was younger. I had a couple books filled with my sketches, usually of people or anime characters. As life got busier I had less and less time for it, and other hobbies or interests stole what time I had. I still have all my sketches, sometimes I flip through them and get the urge to pick up the pencil again.

  4. Charissa

    Thanks Mrs. Skarbo…that sounded like fun, for sure!
    Nancy- It was so fun, hope you have a chance to try English now…
    Chris- Hey, you should pick it up again! I`m really new at this, so if I can do it…you can too! :)

  5. Alyssa

    Love what you drew! I stumbled upon your drawing while looking at horse paintings. I stopped for a moment and realized that the girl you drew looks exactly like me. Great job! I love it. <3

  6. Charissa

    Alyssa, thank you so much! I don’t paint as much as I used to, but it’s one of my favourite things! Thanks for the love!

  7. ljiljana atanasovic


  8. ljiljana atanasovic

    verz nice

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