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Produce Stands & Pumpkins

Produce Stand 03

There’s nothing like fresh, local fruits and vegetables. Somehow they taste a million times better than the stuffs from the grocery store. Much better.

When we’re traveling we keep an eye for roadside produce stands/markets. Mostly because we love crisp apples for snacking. Biting into a tart, crunchy apple makes me fallish (no, “fallish” is not a word…till now). One of my favourite kinds are those sour green apples. Mmmmm…


The drawing card for our last produce stand stop.

Produce Stand 04

And other beautiful produce that tempted us…or at least made a pretty photo.

Produce Stand 02

Produce Stand 05

We’re now at my sister’s place…it’s SO special to spend time with her again. Now that she’s moved oh-so far away we only see her 2-3 times a year. That’s hard for three tight sisters to be separated…but for a few days anyway, we’re together again.

And man, I’m just noticing …I wear a lot of black!


Do you shop at produce stands or do you prefer supermarkets? I love fresh, organic produce but it’s really hard to find stands/markets where I live, so we typically shop at the grocery store for produce.

Don’t forget to enter my Lara Bar and Tropical Traditions coconut oil giveaway here!

Category: Life | Tags: , 12 comments »

12 Responses to “Produce Stands & Pumpkins”

  1. Shae

    LOVE tart green apples.

    Especially covered in peanut butter. :)

  2. Kat

    Lovely photos Charissa! I love to go shopping at the local farmers market and get the locally grown produce – and so much cheaper too. It’s great that there are so many of these popping up all over the place. Hpoe you are enjoying your road trip, I’m enjoying reading about it. Kat :-)

  3. Lauren @ What Lauren Likes

    I always shop at produce stands, I live near a market square so my family usually goes twice a week :D

  4. The Kitchen Noob

    We go to the produce stands as often as we can find them. They sort of pop up in grocery store and church parking lots on the weekends.

    In Wisconsin we used to buy produce directly from the farmers. They’d set up a stand at the corners of highways – they always had the best stuff :)

  5. Emily

    I love your photos! That produce stand looks like so much fun.
    I usually try to stock up on produce at my local Farmers Market every Sunday. It’s right down the street from me so I’m able to walk there almost every week and load up on organic goods! But, in between, I have to make do with shopping at supermarkets.

  6. Clarkie @ Beloved Green

    I prefer produce stands, in my old hometown there were a couple that came into town and parked in some lots so it was convenient. Since I moved to Seattle, this is still something I have to look into.

  7. Haley @ Health Freak College Girl

    i love produce stands! but sadly there are not a lot near me :( so the grocery store it is!

  8. Lauren@LittleYellowKitchen

    There are no produce stands around me in SD which is sooo unfortunate. Looks like you had some great finds!

  9. Michelle @ Oats n' Bows

    I love fall for this reason :) It’s such a fun, family event. Glad you had fun!

    I totally need to go this season and take the boyfriend :)

  10. Russell at Chasing Delicious

    I shop at my local grocery store only because they have an awesome organic selection and they only buy locally. But when I’m needing something special I’ll hit up some of the markets. I love seeing little stands on the side of the road. I just passed a homemade local honey stand yesterday and am now kicking myself for not stopping.

  11. Kelly

    How cute are you! I love going to the pumpkin patch this time of year, glad you all had fun! :)

  12. Julie

    I def cannot pass a food stand without stopping! The vegetables and fruits are 100 times tastier and fresher than what you can buy in the grocery store. They also last 10 times longer.

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